4. Menulis Bibliografi
Bibliografi. Bibliografi ini penting lah, memanglah semuanya
penting , semua bab dalam tesis penting, semua penulisan penting, bibliografi
juga penting. Jadinya bila kita nak buat benda bibiliografi itu kita kena
konsisten lah kita sama ada buat gaya APA atau MLA. Tetapi biasanya pelajar dia
suka yang APA ini katanya mudah tapi bila kita tengok buat salah juga. Jadi
bibiliografi ini kalau APA itu biasa lah kalau kita tengok dalam buku ini saya
ada letak contoh bagaimana nak tulis rujukan dalam bentuk APA. Sebab kalau saya
letak dua dua biasa lah dalam kebanyakan tesis memang APA. Jadi kita kena
pastikan bahawa kalau jurnal kalau rujukan jurnal dia punya nama jurnal italic.
Jadi kalau kita lihat di sini kalau kita lihat contoh-contoh yang terdapat
dalam, dalam ini .Kejap ya . Okey. Kita adalah Semua sekali. macam mana kita
nak, bibiliografi dan rujukan contoh nama Melayu kita nak rujuk macam mana.
Nama Contohnya kalau contoh bibliografi rujukan nama Alim Al Mustaqimbillah
Roslan nama dialah kemainlah panjangnya contohnya, nama Melayu kena letak nama
melayu semua panjang-panjang lebar tu . Ialah maklumlah zaman sekarang kan nama
Melayu ada tiga perkataan ada sampai empat perkataan Ada yang sampai lima,
penat cikgu nak tulis kat dalam masa sekolah nanti ya. Sebab itulah nama
contohnya nama Alim Al-Mustaqimbillah akhirnya mak dia, dia pergi , apa nama
buat cop, jadi buku tulis semua dia cop aje . Tak larat nak tulis dengan
tangan. jadi nama melayu letak nama penuh . Dalam bibiliografi pun penuh dalam
rujukan pun penuh. dalam tesis ni dalam bibiliografi begini. Jadi semuanya nama
begini. Kalau nak nama Chin Lin Li. Contohnya letak Chin ataupun bukan
bibliografi letak Chin L L dalam bibliografi. Nama Arumugam muthusamy bagaimana
bagaimana, nama Jepun bagaimana bagaimana dan seterusnya .ada contoh-contoh
.Jadi misalnya kalau kita lihat di sini kita lihat dalam buku ini kalau rujukan
dalam tesis kita letak kalau ni Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019 dalam kurungan.
kemudian ada Jadi kalau kurungan semua letak kurungan semua ada takde koma.jadi
ini titik dua kalau ada halaman dan seterusnya. Kita ada banyak contoh-contoh
kita semua ya. Jadi bibiliografi hendaklah mengandungi maklumat seperti
berikut . jadi ini ada semua maklumat-maklumat dia . Jadi penulisan rujukan
dalam tesis bagaimana. Ini semua arahan ya. Jadi ada cara cara penulisan semua
ada dalam ini supaya ia tidak keliru. Apa yang saya nak jelaskan disini
pastikan apa penulisan dia mesti betul dalam bibiliografi dan juga yang penting
ini dalam tesis, Ini bibliografi . Okey Apa yang awak rujuk dalam tesis perlu
ada dalam bibliografi. Kemudian semak. Saya suka semak secara manual yang
manual maknanya saya printkan bibiliografi letak tepi . Laptop letak kat sini .
Tengok muka surat satu satu letak. Kalau yang dah kita letak warna merah dekat
laptop lepastu bibiliografi kita tanda right. Sebab kalau buat manual Memang
betul. Kita bukan nak percaya sangat dekat mesin ni. Bukan tak percaya yang
memang tak percaya. Mesin nama pun mesin kan. Jadi dalam tesis ada rujukan tu
dalam bibilio ada rujukan tu. Ni sebelum kita nak hantar tesis ni.Kemudian kita
semak dalam bibiliografi ada nama tu kenalah dalam tesis pun ada bermakna kita
kena cross represif. Bermakna kedua-duanya pasti ada ada yang tak ada buang,
janganlah semata-mata bercita-cita nak bibiliografi sampai 10 ,15 halaman
sedangkan tak ada pun dalam tesis, memang kita pemeriksa kita semak satu-satu.
Sebab itu tugas pemeriksa satu-satu. Itulah kerja saya, saya baca dalam tesis,
saya buka saya tengok belakang, saya baca saya right. Eh Ni kenapa
belakang dalam ni tahun contohnya dalam dalam ini namanya Muhammad Mustaqim
Roslan 2019 titiba dekat belakang Muhammad Mustaqim Roslan 2018-pula dah lain
pulak tu macam seolah ada dua artikel berbeza jadi salah macam contohnya dalam
bibiliografi ada. Aiman Mustaqim Roslan 2019 tengok dekat dalam Aiman Mustaqim
Roslan 2015 memang tak kena lah dua-dua salah Jadi pastikan semak satu-satu.
Okey untuk tesis dia memanglah untuk tesis dan juga untuk artikel pun macam tu
ya kita perlu ada 70% rujukan terkini. Terkini maknanya macam saya katakan
Mestilah rujukan yang 5 tahun kebelakang. Jadi Yang itulah yang awak Awak
pastikan Kalau awak hantar tesis kepada 2023 maknanya lima tahun Kebelakangan
2022 2021 2020 2019 ,5 tahun ke belakang. Okey 70 peratus mana Apa yang awak
buat ialah Jumlah kesemua dulu semua dalam bibiliografi, Okey dalam
bibiliografi dia kemudian mula jumlah contohnya jumlah Nanti kita bagi contoh
ya .Jumlah ada 100 semua sekali dalam tesis dia kemudian saya kira yang 5 tahun
ke belakang .Okey terima tahun ke belakang Saya kira ada 70 , 70 ya . Jadi awak
tekan awak punya kalkulator dekat telefon awak yang mahal daripada saya tu jadi
awak tekan kalkulator jadi tekanan peratus kali 100, Maknanya awak sudah ada 70
peratus rujukan terkini . Maknanya tesis ini boleh diterima . Boleh diterima
kalau misalnya ialah maklumlah kita ni nak sebenarnya nak mengelak daripada
pelajar ni plagiat dia tiru bulat-bulat lah ataupun pelajar tu memang memang
malas lah kesimpulannya nak baca pun tak nak, nak rujuk yang terkini lagilah
tak nak lepas tu bila kita tanya kenapa tak ada rujukan terkini. Oh, tak ada
kajian Prof tak ada, saya cari-cari tak jumpa. Yang dia cari tu ada tiga je
artikel yang dia cari yang lagi 546 artikel tajuk sama dia tak cari jadi.dia
kata saya dah cari tapi tak jumpa .Aduhai jadi ayat tu kita tak mahu terima.
jadi semua pun tak terima bukan saya tak terima saya rasa semua penyelia pun
tak terima. jadi pastikan awak cari tepat dapat 70 peratus memang boleh terima
boleh duduk goyang kaki pergi jalan-jalan pergi IOI makan banyak-banyak sebab
bolehlah kita meraikan bahawa rujukan 70 peratus sudah tercapai begitu jadi ,
pastikan 70 peratus .Janganlah sampai awak dapat Alamak Prof 20 peratus ja Prof
saya dah usaha tiga tahun saya usaha nak cari rujukan yang terkini tak jumpa
saya dapat semua kebanyakan 90 80-an. Pastu dapatlah 2010 ke bawah memang saya
kata sila lah buat Universiti sendiri sebab dia tak usaha langsung jadi
pastikan 70 peratus ada pada rujukan terkini . Tengoklah Bila tarikh yang awak
nak kan tak buatlah rujukan itu. jangan ada satu lagi ya Contohnya kalau awak
nak hantar tadi 2023. okey Dia nak hantar 2023 tu pada bulan Disember , Okeylah
kita ambil Oktober ya Oktober dia hantar 2023 kita tetapi didapati bahawa yang
rujukan 2023 tiada. Langsung tiada dalam tesis tersebut sedangkan masa yang dia
nak submit ialah Oktober. Maknanya artikel untuk 2023 dah keluar banyak dah .
Dah keluar banyak tapi bila kita semak tak ada rujukan 2023 .Ha 2022 lagi dah
tak ada yang dia banyak yang ini 2021 2022 .Tak bolehlah. Kita kenalah ada
terutama yang ini yang memang kalau yang ada terkini masa awak hantar tesis
Memang terbaik lah. Ada pula ini lagi ya jadi ini penting jangan yang ini dia
kita fokus jadi pastikan ada pada tarikh awak hantar tu tahun itu punya rujukan
mesti ada. Okey penting . Bahagian ini penting rujukan ni semua penting.
Cara-cara nak rujuk semua ada dekat dalam ni . Ada pelbagai cara buat rujukan
bibiliografi dan rujukan bagaimana kita nak tulis semua cara dia berbeza . Ya .
Tapi kalau nama Melayu dalam Jurnal melayu memang tulis nama penuhnya Normaliza
Abd Rahim Contoh dia. Tetapi kekadang saya atau artikel ke jurnal Antara bangsa
Contohnya saya dah tulis dalam artikel tu normaliza Abd rahim bibiliografi
Normaliza Abd Rahim tetapi dia orang yang format kan semula jadi nama saya
jadi, jadi begini. Dia automatik kan buat saya tak buat sebab saya percaya
sebab kalau yang ini ada berjuta-juta orang nama Rahim N.A. Terutamanya Rahim
ini memang ramai lah berjuta. Jadi sebab itu saya amik Normaliza Abd Rahim tapi
terpaksa lah kita ikut cara jurnal itu. Sebab jurnal antara bangsa memang dia
ada format dia sendiri kena kadang-kadang kita submit saya submit dihantar
balik katakan mohon untuk tukar, tukar cara penulisan sebaik kena ikut cara dia
Ini kerana kalau barat memang nama akhir lah. Sebab itu dia kena ikut semua
cara barat jadi Ikut ikut lah cara barat. Terpulang kepada apa yang terkeluar
ini Kalau jurnal. Nanti jurnal saya jelaskan dalam video yang lain. Jadi jelas
ya tentang penulisan bibiliografi ini sangat penting 70 peratus kalau tak cukup
cari lagi jangan hantar tesis Selagi tak cukup sebab ini menunjukkan kualiti
tesis tersebut kalau misalnya awak dapat 60 peratus tu memang tak boleh nak di
terima sebab macam tak nak usaha sebenar boleh je cari banyak je artikel yang
awak boleh sorot untuk dah artikel terkini yang awak boleh sorot ya.
4. Writing a Bibliography
This bibliography is important, of course everything is important, all the
chapters in the thesis are important, all the writing is important, the
bibliography is also important. So, when we want to make a bibliography, we
have to be consistent either with APA or MLA style. But usually students like
APA style, they said it is easier, but when we look at it, they make a mistake
too. So, this bibliography if APA is normal, if we look in this book, I have an
example of on how to write a reference in the form of APA. Because if I put two,
it is normal in most theses to APA style. So, we have to make sure that if the
journal, the journal reference must be in an italic. So, if we look here, look
at the examples found in this. Just a second. Okay. We have it all together,
how can we, bibliography and reference examples in Malay name of which we want
to refer. Name for example if the bibliography references the name of Alim Al
Mustaqimbillah Roslan, his name is a long. For example, Malay name must put in Malay
name, all the long-length. Today it's known is a Malay name with three words,
there are up to four words, there are up to five, the teacher must be tired to
write it down in school. That is why the name for example, Alim
Al-Mustaqimbillah, finally his mother, he went to market and bought chop, so
all the notebooks she chops only. No need to write by hand. So, write the name
of the Malay name in full. The bibliography is full and the references are full
in this thesis in this bibliography. So, everything is named like this. If the
name is Chin Lin Li. For example, place Chin or non-bibliography place Chin L.L
in the bibliography. The name Arumugam Muthusamy how, the Japanese name how and
so on. There are examples. So, for example if we look here, we see in this book
if the reference in our thesis is if this, Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019 in
parentheses. Then there is the case that if all the cages are located, all the
cages will not be in a coma. So, this is point two if there is a page and so
on. We have many examples of us all. So, the bibliography should contain the
following information. So here is all his information. So, writing a reference
in a thesis how. These are all instructions. So, there are ways of writing it
all there in this so that it is not confused. What I want to explain here is
make sure what he writes must be correct in the bibliography and also this
important in this thesis bibliography. Okay. What you refer in the thesis
should be in the bibliography. Then check, I like to check manually, which
manual means I print the sidebar bibliography. Laptop is here. Look at the
pages one by one. If that is the case, we put a red color near the laptop then
our bibliography is marked right. Because if you make a manual, it is correct.
We do not want to believe machine. It can’t be trusted, it's unbelievable.
Machine, the name of the machine right. So, in the thesis there is that
reference in the bibliography there is that reference. This is before we want
to submit this thesis. Then we check in the bibliography there is a name that
should be in the thesis also means we have to be cross repressive. Meaning both
are definitely there. There is something that does not exist, throw it away, do
not just aspire to bibliography up to 10, 15 pages while there is nothing in
the thesis. Indeed, we are examiners, we will check it one by one. That is why
it is the duty of the examiner one by one. That is my work, I read the thesis,
I open and I look back, I read, I am right. For example in this his name is Muhamad
Mustaqim Roslan 2019, suddenly near the back is Muhamad Mustaqim Roslan 2018,
it is different, it seems like there are two different articles. So wrong.
There are many examples in the bibliography. Aiman Mustaqim Roslan 2019 look
closely in Aiman Mustaqim Roslan 2015 is not wrong, both are wrong. So be
sure to check one by one. Okay for the thesis and also for the article like
that yes, we need to have 70% latest reference. The latest meaning, as I said,
must be a reference 5 years ago. So that is what you make sure if you submit a
thesis to 2023, it means five years later 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 5 years
later. Okay 70 percent, what you do is the sum of all first everything in the
bibliography. Okay in the bibliography he then started the amount right. For
example, the number later we will give an example, yes, the number is 100 all
at once in his thesis then I think that 5 years ago. Okay accept the year back
I guess there are 70%, 70 % yes. So, you press you have a calculator near your
phone that is more expensive than me so you press the calculator, so press 100
percent, which means you already have 70 percent of the latest references. This
means that this thesis is acceptable. It can be accepted if for example it is
known, we actually want to prevent this student from plagiarism, he imitates
completely or the student is lazy in conclusion. I don't even want to read, I
want to refer to the latest, I don't want to. After that when we asked why
there is no latest reference, "Oh there is no Prof study there is not, I
searched but did not find". What he was looking for was only three
articles and another 546 articles of the same title he was not looking for. So,
he said I searched but did not find it. Unfortunately, that sentence we do not
want to accept. So, everyone does not accept not only I do not accept, I think
all supervisors do not accept. So, make sure you find exactly 70 percent, it is
acceptable, can sit rocking legs, go for a walk, go IOI eat a lot of reasons we
can celebrate that the reference 70 percent has been achieved so. So, make sure
70 percent. Don't let it get you, "Unfortunately Prof, there is 20 percent
only. I have been trying for three years, I tried to find the latest reference,
but I did not find it, I got it all, most of the 90s and 80s”. Then I got the
year 2010 and below, I said please do it for the University itself because it
is not a direct effort. So, make sure 70 percent is on the latest reference.
See when the date you want, make that reference. Don’t do this. For example, if
you want to send earlier in 2023. Okay he wants to send in 2023 in December,
okay we take October yes, October he sent in 2023. But it was found that the
reference of 2023 is not available. Absolutely not in the thesis while the time
he wants to submit is October. This means that articles for the year 2023 have
come out a lot. It has come out a lot but when we check there is no reference
to the year 2023. The year 2022 again there is not much he has the year 2021
and 2022. we have to There is especially this one that if the latest is the
time you submit the thesis It is the best. There is this again, yes, so this is
important, don't focus on this one, so make sure it is on the date you sent it,
that year there must be a reference Okay important. this section is important
this reference is all important. the ways to refer are all close in this. there
are various ways to make bibliographic references and references how we want to
write all the ways he is different. But if the name of the Malays in the Malay
Journal wrote his full name was Abd Rahim Normaliza example. But sometimes I,
or an article to an inter-racial journal. For example, I wrote in the article
Normaliza Abd Rahim. Normaliza Abd Rahim bibliography but he is the person who
naturally formatted my name, so this is it. He is automatic, I do not do it
because I believe because if this one, there are millions of people named Rahim
N.A. Especially this Rahim is indeed millions. So that's why I am wrote
Normaliza Abd Rahim. But we have to follow the way of the journal because the
inter-racial journal does have its own format because sometimes, we send, I
send and then they sent it back and say please change, change the way of
writing as soon as you have to follow his way. This is because if the west is
the last name. That is why he has to follow all the western ways so follow the
western way. It depends on what comes out of this journal. Later my journal
will explain in another video. So, it is clear that writing this bibliography
is very important. 70 percent if not enough, look again. Do not submit a thesis
as long as it is not enough because this shows the quality of the thesis if for
example you get 60 percent it cannot be accepted because it seems like you do
not want real effort can only find many articles that you can highlight for the
latest article that you can highlight yes.
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