196269                                                                             197773



Struktur Makro

Makna global daripada suatu teks yang dapat diamati

 daripada topik/tema suatu teks


Kerangka suatu teks seperti bahagian pendahuluan,

isi, penutup dan kesimpulan

Struktur Mikro

Makna lokal daripada suatu teks yang dapat diamati

Daripada pilihan kata,kalimat dan gaya yang dipakai oleh suatu teks


Rajah 1: Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis oleh vanDijk (1977)





Macro Structure

The global meaning of a text that can be observed from the topic / theme of a text


Frame a text such as advances,contents, covers and conclusions

Micro Structure

The meaning of the locality of a text can be identified From the choice of words, phrases and styles worn by a text.


Figure 1: Critical Discourse Analysis Theory by vanDijk (1977)



Macro Structure

The global meaning of a text that can be observed from the topic / theme of a text


Frame a text such as advances,contents, covers of a text such as introduction part, body  and conclusions

Micro Structure

The meaning of the locality of a text can be identified From the choice of words, phrases and styles worn a language style used by a text.


Figure 1: Critical Discourse Analysis Theory by vanDijk (1977)




Macro Structure

The global meaning of a text that can be observed from the topic / theme of a text


Frame of a text such as introduction part, body  and conclusions

Micro Structure

The meaning of the locality of a text can be identified From the choice of words, phrases and a language style used by a text.


Figure 1: Critical Discourse Analysis Theory by vanDijk (1977)











Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis (Fairclough, 1995)


Analisis Tekstual

Analisis Wacana Praktis

Analisis Praktis Sosial


·      Tema


·      Metafora



·      Pengulangan

·      Konjunsi

·      Intertektualiti

·      Pra-andaian

·      Metawacana

·      Penafian


·      Interdiskusi

·      Naratif

·      Perbahasan

·      Ekspositori

·      Luahan (expressive)





Rajah 2: Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis oleh Fairclough (1995)



Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (Fairclough,   1995)


Textual Analysis

Practical Discourse Analysis

Practical Social Analysis


·      Theme


·      Metaphor



·      Repetition

·      Conjunctions


• Pre-assumptions

• Metawacana

• Disclaimer



• Narrative

• Debate

• Expositories

• Expressive





Figure 2: Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1995)



Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (Fairclough, 1995)


Textual Analysis

Practical Discourse Analysis

Practical Social Analysis


·      Theme


·      Metaphor



·      Repetition

·      Conjunctions


• Pre-assumptions

• Metawacana

• Disclaimer



• Narrative

• Debate

• Expositories

• Expressive





Figure 2: Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1995)



Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (Fairclough, 1995)


Textual Analysis

Practical Discourse Analysis

Practical Social Analysis


·      Theme


·      Metaphor



·      Repetition

·      Conjunctions


• Pre-assumptions

• Metawacana

• Disclaimer



• Narrative

• Debate

• Expositories

• Expressive





Figure 2: Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1995)









Bald on-record




Dengar sini….

Berikan saya bakul besar itu.

Lampu itu berwarna hijau.

Jemput masuk.

Jemput makan.

Kesopanan Positif


Contoh: Kamu Nampak sugul. Boleh saya tolong?

Boleh saya pinjam seratus ringgit?

Saya ikut kamu ke hospital, jika kamu tidak keberatan.

Kesopanan Negatif


Mungkin dia yang mengambil kotak itu, mungkin!

Tolong berikan saya pinggan putih itu.

Kalau begitu, sedikit arahan tidak diperlukan?

Membuang botol kosong merata-rata tidak dibenarkan.



Wah, semakin sejuk dalam bilik ini.

Mahal betul harga kasut di sini.

Cantik baju kamu.



Rajah 3: Strategi Kesopanan oleh Brown & Levinson (1987)






Bald on-record





Give me that big basket.

The light is green.

Please come in.

Invite to eat.

Kesopanan Positif


Example: You look sad. Can I help?

Can I borrow a hundred ringgit?

I'll take you to the hospital, if you don't mind.


Negative politeness


Maybe he took the box, maybe!

Please give me the white plate.

If so, a little instruction is not needed?

Throwing empty bottles everywhere is not allowed.



Wow, it's getting cold in this room.

The price of shoes here is really expensive.

Your clothes are beautiful.


Figure 3: Politeness Strategies by Brown & Levinson (1987)






Bald on-record




Listen Listen here….

Give me that big basket.

The light is green green color.

Please come in.

Invite to eat. have some food

Kesopanan Positif


Example: You look sad. Can I help?

Can I borrow a  one hundred ringgit?

I'll take  follow you to the hospital, if you don't mind.


Negative politeness


Maybe he took the box, maybe!

Please give me the white plate.

If so that so, a little instruction is not needed?

Throwing empty bottles everywhere is not allowed.



Wow, it's getting cold in this room.

The price of shoes here is really expensive.

Your clothes are beautiful.


Figure 3: Politeness Strategies by Brown & Levinson (1987)






Bald on-record




Listen here….

Give me that big basket.

The light is green color.

Please come in.

Have some food.

Kesopanan Positif


Example: You look sad. Can I help?

Can I borrow one hundred ringgit?

I'll follow you to the hospital, if you don't mind.


Negative politeness


Maybe he took the box, maybe!

Please give me the white plate.

If that so, a little instruction is not needed?

Throwing empty bottles everywhere is not allowed.



Wow, it's getting cold in this room.

The price of shoes here is really expensive.

Your clothes are beautiful.


Figure 3: Politeness Strategies by Brown & Levinson (1987)



 Pendekatan Analisis

         (Normaliza Abd


Rahim, 2018b)




1. Intuisi

2. Konteks


·       Penerimaan/Penafian

·       Keperluan

·       Perujukan

·       Anafora

·       Pengulangan

·       Kekaburan

·       Penegasan


1. Positif

2. Negatif

3. Emosi Bercampur


·       Perangai

·       Personaliti

·       Mood

·       Motivasi


1. Diri

2. Masyarakat

3. Adat

·       Jujur, ikhlas, baik hati, kasih sayang, kerajinan, kesyukuran, kesederhanaan

·       Berdikari, hemah tinggi,keberanian, kebersihan fizikal dan mental, kesantunan

·       Hormat menghormati, kerjasama, semangat bermasyarakat

·       Keadilan, kebebasan, rasional


1. Bahasa


2. Formal/tidak formal

3. Kesalahan bahasa

4. Linguistik


1. Rumusan keseluruhan

2. Rumusan topic

3. Penutup kata


Rajah 4: Pendekatan Analisis Wacana Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b)



 Discourse Analysis

         (Normaliza Abd


Rahim, 2018b)




1. Intuition

2. Context


• Acceptance / Disclaimer

• Requirements

• References

• Anaphora

• Repetition

• Ambiguity

• Emphasis


1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Mixed Emotions


• Behavior

• Personality

• Mood



1. Self

2. Society

3. Custom


• Honest, sincere, kind, loving, crafty, grateful, simple

• Self-reliance, high self-esteem, courage, physical and mental hygiene, politeness

• Respect, cooperation, community spirit

• Justice, freedom, rationality


1. Language

first / second / third

2. Formal / informal

3. Language errors

4. Linguistics


1. Overall summary

2. Topic formulation

3. Closing words


Figure 4: Discourse Analysis Approach Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b)


 Discourse Analysis

         (Normaliza Abd


Rahim, 2018b)




1. Intuition

2. Context


• Acceptance / Disclaimer

• Requirements

• References

• Anaphora

• Repetition

• Ambiguity

• Emphasis


1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Mixed Emotions


• Behavior

• Personality

• Mood



1. Self

2. Society

3. Custom


• Honest, sincere, kind, loving, crafty hardworking, grateful, simple simplicity

• Self-reliance, high self-esteem, courage, physical and mental hygiene, politeness

• Respect, cooperation, community spirit

• Justice, freedom, rationality


1. Language

first first language / second / third

2. Formal / informal

3. Language errors

4. Linguistics


1. Overall summary

2. Topic formulation Discussion topic summary

3. Closing words


Figure 4: Discourse Analysis Approach Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b)


 Discourse Analysis

         (Normaliza Abd


Rahim, 2018b)




1. Intuition

2. Context


• Acceptance / Disclaimer

• Requirements

• References

• Anaphora

• Repetition

• Ambiguity

• Emphasis


1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Mixed Emotions


• Behavior

• Personality

• Mood



1. Self

2. Society

3. Custom


• Honest, sincere, kind, loving, hardworking, grateful, simplicity

• Self-reliance, high self-esteem, courage, physical and mental hygiene, politeness

• Respect, cooperation, community spirit

• Justice, freedom, rationality


1. First language / second / third

2. Formal / informal

3. Language errors

4. Linguistics


1. Overall summary

2. Discussion topic summary

3. Closing words

Figure 4: Discourse Analysis Approach Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b)


Teori Analisis Wacana (Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2018d)


1. Tema


1. Tatabahasa

2. Latar

3. Emosi


1. Pendapat

2. Perujukan

3. Persoalan

Rajah 5: Teori Analisis Wacana



Discourse Analysis Theory (Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2018d)


1. Theme


1. Grammar

2. Background

3. Emotions


1. Opinion

2. References

3. Problems

                                                                    Figure 5: Theory of Discourse Analysis


Discourse Analysis Theory (Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2018d)


1. Theme


1. Grammar

2. Background

3. Emotions


1. Opinion

2. References

3. Problems

                                                                    Figure 5: Theory of Discourse Analysis


Discourse Analysis Theory (Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2018d)


1. Theme


1. Grammar

2. Background

3. Emotions


1. Opinion

2. References

3. Problems

                                                                    Figure 5: Theory of Discourse Analysis

Jadual 2: Konteks dalam Model Penceritaan Nilai Sosial Melalui Cerita Kanak-kanak

Judul                          Tatabahasa                                 Latar                                Emosi

Keluarga         Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang     Rumah ibu dan             Gembira, rindu,

                        mudah dan sesuai untuk semua      bapa

                        termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa

Diri                  Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang     Dalam dan luar            Gembira

                        mudah dan sesuai untuk semua      rumah, sekolah

                        termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa

Saya yang      Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang     Dalam atau luar            Hiba, sedih.

Istimewa         mudah dan sesuai untuk semua      rumah                         simpati

                        termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa

Saya Tahu     Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang     Dalam atau luar            Hiba, sedih,

                        mudah dan sesuai untuk semua      rumah                         simpati

                        termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa

Saya               Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang     Rumah, sekolah            Gembira,

Faham            mudah dan sesuai untuk semua      ataupun di                  simpati, ambil

                        termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa     tempat awam             berat


Table 2: Context in Social Values Storytelling Model Through Children’s Stories

Tittle                           Grammar                                     Background                        Emotion

Family             Use of words and sentences           Mother’s house and              Happy, longing

simple and suitable for all                 Father

including special children                

Self                  Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Happy

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school            

                       including special children

I’m a                Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Hiba, sad,

Special one    simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     Sympathy

                       including special children

I know             Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Hiba, sad,

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     sympathy          

           including special children

I                       Use of words and sentences           House, school,                 Happy,

Understand    simple and suitable for all                 or public place                    sympathy,

           including special children                                                           care


Table 2: Context in Social Values Storytelling Model Through Children’s Stories

Tittle                           Grammar                                     Background                        Emotion

Family             Use of words and sentences           Mother’s house and              Happy, missedlonging

simple and suitable for all                 Father

including special children                

Self                  Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Happy

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school            

                       including special children

I’m a                Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Feeling downHiba, sad,

Special one    simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     Sympathy

                       including special children

I know             Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Feeling downHiba, sad,

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     sympathy          

           including special children

I                       Use of words and sentences           House, school,                 Happy,

Understand    simple and suitable for all                 or public place                    sympathy,

           including special children                                                            care


Table 2: Context in Social Values Storytelling Model Through Children’s Stories

Tittle                           Grammar                                     Background                        Emotion

Family             Use of words and sentences           Mother’s house and              Happy, missed

simple and suitable for all                 Father

including special children                

Self                  Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Happy

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school            

                       including special children

I’m a                Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Feeling down, sad,

Special one    simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     Sympathy

                       including special children

I know             Use of words and sentences           Inside and outside                    Feeling down, sad,

           simple and suitable for all                 the house, school                     sympathy          

           including special children

I                       Use of words and sentences           House, school,                 Happy,

Understand    simple and suitable for all                 or public place                    sympathy,

           including special children                                                            care


Jadual 3: Kandungan dalam Cerita Sosial

Judul                     Teks             Tema                  Sampel/ Bahan                             Jenis

Nenek dan Datuk   Cerita           Kekeluargaan      Nenek, datuk, ibu, bapa,                                                   Penceritaan

                               pendek                                 Imran, Madinah, Aisyah,


Saya yang               Cerita           Kekeluargaan      Nenek, datuk, ibu, bapa,                                                   Penceritaan

Istimewa                 pendek                                 Imran, Madinah, Aisyah,


Keluarga                 Cerita           Kekeluargaan      Ibu, bapa, Imran, Madinah,       Penceritaan                                

                               pendek                                 Aisyah, Alim


Hati                         Cerita           Kekeluargaan      Ibu, cikgu, Alim,rakan-                                                     Penceritaan

                               Pendek                                 rakan                                                                              

Jiran                        Cerita           Kekeluargaan      Ibu, Madinah, Imran,                                                       Penceritaan

                               pendek                                 Aisyah,Sulaiman, Alim









Table 3: Content in Social Stories

Tittle                  Texts             Theme                  Sample/ Material                             Type

Grandmother    Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

 and                  story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

grandfather                                                       Aisyah, Alim

I’m a                 Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

special              story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

one                                                                   Aisyah, Alim

Family               Short                Family                 Mother, father, Imran, Madinah,    Storytelling

                          story                                         Aisyah, Alim          

 Heart                Short                Family                 Mother, Teacher, Alim,               Storytelling

                           story                                          friends

 Neighbour        Short               Family                 Mother, Madinah, Imran             Storytelling

                        story                                         Aisyah, Sulaiman, Alim





Table 3: Content in Social Stories

Tittle                  Texts             Theme                  Sample/ Material                             Type

Grandmother    Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

 and                  story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

grandfather                                                       Aisyah, Alim

I’m a                 Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

special              story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

one                                                                   Aisyah, Alim

Family               Short                Family                 Mother, father, Imran, Madinah,    Storytelling

                          story                                         Aisyah, Alim          

 Heart                Short                Family                 Mother, Teacher, Alim,               Storytelling

                           story                                          friends

 Neighbour        Short               Family                 Mother, Madinah, Imran             Storytelling

                        story                                         Aisyah, Sulaiman, Alim





Table 3: Content in Social Stories

Tittle                  Texts             Theme                  Sample/ Material                             Type

Grandmother    Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

 and                  story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

grandfather                                                       Aisyah, Alim

I’m a                 Short                  Family                Grandmother, grandfather,                                                   Storytelling    

special              story                                          mother, father, Imran, Madinah,

one                                                                   Aisyah, Alim

Family               Short                Family                 Mother, father, Imran, Madinah,    Storytelling

                          story                                         Aisyah, Alim          

 Heart                Short                Family                 Mother, Teacher, Alim,               Storytelling

                           story                                          friends

 Neighbour        Short               Family                 Mother, Madinah, Imran             Storytelling

                        story                                         Aisyah, Sulaiman, Alim


Jadual 4: Konteks dalam Cerita Sosial

Judul               Tatabahasa                                        Latar                           Emosi

Nenek           Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang            Kampung nenek            Gembira, rindu, sedih

Dan               mudah dan sesuai untuk semua             dan datuk                    marah, keliru, puas

Datuk            termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa                                                hati

Saya yang     Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang           Rumah ibu dan            Gembira, puas hati,

Istimewa        mudah dan sesuai untuk semua            bapa                            sedih              

                     termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa           

Keluarga        Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang           Rumah ibu dan            Gembira, resah

                     mudah dan sesuai untuk semua             bapa                                                   

                     termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa           

Hati              Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang             Sekolah, rumah,            Gembira

                    mudah dan sesuai untuk semua              jiran    

                     termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa

Jiran              Penggunaan kata dan ayat yang           Rumah ibu bapa            Gembira, Simpati,

                    mudah dan sesuai untuk semua              dan jiran                      ambil berat, sedih

                    termasuk kanak-kanak istimewa



Table 4: Context in Social Stories

Tittle                Grammar                                              Background              Emotion

Grandmother   The use of words and sentences that  Village grandparents   Happy, longing,          

and                  easy and suitable for all                       and grandparents            sad, angry, confused,

Grandfather     including special children                                                        satisfied

I’m a                The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                 Happy, satisfied,         

Special            easy and suitable for all                       father’s house             sad     

one                  including special children

Family             The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, restless

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house 

                        including special children

Heart               The use of words and sentences that  School, house,             Happy

                        easy and suitable for all                       neighbor         

                        including special children

Neighbour        The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, Sympathy

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house              care, sad

                        including special children



Table 4: Context in Social Stories

Tittle                Grammar                                              Background              Emotion

Grandmother   The use of words and sentences that  Village Ggrandparents           Happy, longing,          

and                  easy and suitable for all                       village                         and grandparentssad, angry, confused,

Grandfather     including special children                                                        satisfied

I’m a                The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                 Happy, satisfied,         

Special            easy and suitable for all                       father’s house             sad     

one                  including special children

Family             The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, restless

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house 

                        including special children

Heart               The use of words and sentences that  School, house,             Happy

                        easy and suitable for all                       neighbour       

                        including special children

Neighbour        The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, Sympathy

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house              care, sad

                        including special children



Table 4: Context in Social Stories

Tittle                Grammar                                              Background              Emotion

Grandmother   The use of words and sentences that  Grandparents’             Happy, longing,          

and                  easy and suitable for all                         village                        sad, angry, confused, 

Grandfather     including special children                                                        satisfied

I’m a                The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                 Happy, satisfied,         

Special            easy and suitable for all                       father’s house             sad     

one                  including special children

Family             The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, restless

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house 

                        including special children

Heart               The use of words and sentences that  School, house,             Happy

                        easy and suitable for all                       neighbour       

                        including special children

Neighbour        The use of words and sentences that  Mother and                  Happy, Sympathy

                        easy and suitable for all                       father’s house              care, sad

                        including special children







Jadual 5: Senarai Nilai Sosial dalam Cerita Sosial

Judul Cerita Sosial Nilai sosial

Nenek dan Datuk      Kasih sayang, ambil berat, rasional, tanggungjawab, ikhlas, jujur

                                    baik hati, kekeluargaan, sabar

Saya yang istimewa  Baik hati, ikhlas, tolong menolong, ambil berat, tanggungjawab

Keluarga saya           Baik hati, sabar, tolong menolong, ikhlas, ambil berat, rajin, usaha,

                                    tanggungjawab, rasional

Hati                             Baik hati, kasih sayang, ambil berat, ikhlas, jujur, berkongsi, berterima

                                    Kasih, hormat menghormati, rajin

Jiran                            Baik hati, tanggungjawab, kasih sayang, rasional, ambil berat, ikhlas,

                                    jujur, yakin, kejiranan






Table 5: List of Social Values ​​in Social Stories

Story tittle                 Social values

Grandma and                         Grandpa Love, caring, rational, responsible, sincere, honest

kind, family, patient

I am special                Kind, sincere, helpful, caring, responsible

My family                    Kind, patient, helpful, sincere, caring, hardworking, diligent,

responsibility, rational

Heart                           Kind, loving, caring, sincere, honest, sharing, accepting

Love, respect respect, diligence

Neighbors                  Kind, responsible, loving, rational, caring, sincere,

honest, confident, neighborhood






Table 5: List of Social Values ​​in Social Stories

Story tittle                 Social values

Grandma and                         Grandpa Lovinge, caring, rational, responsible, sincere, honest

kind, family person, patient

I am special                Kind, sincere, helpful, caring, responsible

My family                    Kind, patient, helpful, sincere, caring, hardworking, diligent,

responsibility, rational

Heart                           Kind, loving, caring, sincere, honest, sharing, accepting

Love, respect respect, diligence

Neighbors                  Kind, responsible, loving, rational, caring, sincere,

honest, confident, neighborhood






Table 5: List of Social Values ​​in Social Stories

Story tittle                 Social values

Grandma and                         Grandpa Loving, caring, rational, responsible, sincere, honest

kind, family person, patient

I am special                Kind, sincere, helpful, caring, responsible

My family                    Kind, patient, helpful, sincere, caring, hardworking, diligent,

responsibility, rational

Heart                           Kind, loving, caring, sincere, honest, sharing, accepting

Love, respect respect, diligence

Neighbors                  Kind, responsible, loving, rational, caring, sincere,

honest, confident, neighborhood






            Taksonomi Strategi Komunikasi oleh Dornyei & Scott (1977)

Strategi Pengelakan atau Pengurangan

1. Pengabaian/ Peninggalan mesej

2. Pengelakan topik

Achievement or Compensory Strategies

Pencapaian atau Strategi Pampasan

3. Parafrasa (Circumlocution)

4. Penghampiran

5. Penggunaan perkataan semua tujuan

6. Cipta perkataan baharu (Word-coinage)

7. Penstrukturan semula/ Penggunaan kaedah bukan bahasa (use of non

    Linguistics means)

8. Terjemahan literal

9. Pengatarabangsaan

10. Pertukaran kod

11. Meminta pertolongan, penjelasan, pengesahan atau membuat tekaan/

      Appeal for help stalling

Stalling or Time-gaining Strategies

Penangguhan atau Strategi Tamabahan Waktu

 12. Penggunaan perkataan yang tiada makna/ Use of fillers/ strategi penanda

       (hesitation devices)

Rajah 7: Taksonomi Strategi Komunikasi oleh Donyei & Scott (1977)


            Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Dornyei & Scott (1977)

Avoidance or Reduction Strategies

1. Ignoring / Leaving messages

2. Topic avoidance

Pencapaian atau Strategi Pampasan

Achievement or Compensory Strategies

3. Paraphrase (Circumlocution)

4. Approaches

5. Use of all purposes

6. Create a new level (Word-coinage)

7. Restructuring / Use of non-language methods (non-use

    Linguistics means)

8. Literal translation

9. Internationalization

10. Code exchange

11. Ask for help, explanation, confirmation or guess making /

      Ask for help to stop

 Penangguhan atau Strategi Tamabahan Waktu

Stalling or Time-gaining Strategies

12. Use of meaningless words / Use of fillers / marker strategies

       (hesitation devices)

Figure 7: Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Donyei & Scott (1977)







            Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Dornyei & Scott (1977)

Avoidance or Reduction Strategies

1. Ignoring / Leaving messages

2. Topic avoidance

Pencapaian atau Strategi Pampasan

Achievement or Compensory Strategies

3. Paraphrase (Circumlocution)

4. Approaches

5. Use of all purposes

6. Create a new level (Word-coinage)

7. Restructuring / Use of non-language methods (non-use

    Linguistics means)

8. Literal translation

9. Internationalization

10. Code exchange

11. Ask for help, explanation, confirmation or guess making /

      Ask for help to stop

 Penangguhan atau Strategi Tamabahan WaktuStalling or Time-gaining Strategies

12. Use of meaninglessly words / Use of fillers / marker strategies

       (hesitation devices)

Figure 7: Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Donyei & Scott (1977)


            Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Dornyei & Scott (1977)

Avoidance or Reduction Strategies

1. Ignoring / Leaving messages

2. Topic avoidance

Achievement or Compensory Strategies

3. Paraphrase (Circumlocution)

4. Approaches

5. Use of all purposes

6. Create a new level (Word-coinage)

7. Restructuring / Use of non-language methods (non-use

    Linguistics means)

8. Literal translation

9. Internationalization

10. Code exchange

11. Asking-- for help, explanation, confirmation or guess making /

      Asking for help to stop

 Stalling or Time-gaining Strategies

12. Use of meaninglessly words / Use of fillers / marker strategies

       (hesitation devices)

Figure 7: Communication Strategy Taxonomy by Donyei & Scott (1977)



Jadual 6: Strategi Komunikasi

            Strategi Komunikasi                                                                            Frekuensi

1          Singkatan                                                                                            15

2          Perkataan baharu tiada makna                                                           4

3          Penafian/ Percanggahan                                                                     10

4          Persoalan                                                                                            6

5          Pengulangan                                                                                       8

6          Perujukan                                                                                            13

7          Pembentulan kendiri                                                                           5

8          Topik berlainan/ pengabaian mesej                                                     4

9          Celahan                                                                                               8

10        Penangguhan                                                                                      6

11        Terjemahan literal                                                                               4


12        Pertukaran bahasa                                                                              4

13        Imaginasi                                                                                             5

14        Kesopanan                                                                                          4

15        Parafrasa                                                                                             4

16        Mminta pertolongan                                                                            4         








Table 6: Communication Strategies

                            Communication Strategies                                                                          Frequency

1 Abbreviation                                                                                                             15

2 New words have no meaning                                                                                   4

3 Disclaimer / Conflict                                                                                                  10

4 Question                                                                                                                   6

5 Repetition                                                                                                                 8

6 References                                                                                                               13

7 Self-correction                                                                                                          5

8 Different topics / message neglect                                                                           4

9 Intervals                                                                                                                   8

10 Suspension                                                                                                              6

11 Literal translation                                                                                                     4

12 Language exchange                                                                                                4

13 Imagination                                                                                                            5

14 Politeness                                                                                                              4

15 Paraphrase                                                                                                              4

16 Ask for help                                                                                                            4




Table 6: Communication Strategies

                            Communication Strategies                                                                          Frequency

1 Abbreviation                                                                                                             15

2 New words have no meaning                                                                                   4

3 Disclaimer / Conflict                                                                                                  10

4 Question                                                                                                                   6

5 Repetition                                                                                                                 8

6 References                                                                                                               13

7 Self-correction                                                                                                          5

8 Different topics / message neglect                                                                           4

9 Intervals                                                                                                                   8

10 Suspension                                                                                                              6

11 Literal translation                                                                                                     4

12 Language exchange                                                                                                4

13 Imagination                                                                                                            5

14 Politeness                                                                                                              4

15 Paraphrase                                                                                                              4

16 Asking for help                                                                                                         4




Table 6: Communication Strategies

                            Communication Strategies                                                                          Frequency

1 Abbreviation                                                                                                             15

2 New words have no meaning                                                                                   4

3 Disclaimer / Conflict                                                                                                  10

4 Questions--                                                                                                              6

5 Repetition                                                                                                                 8

6 References                                                                                                               13

7 Self-correction                                                                                                          5

8 Different topics / message neglect                                                                           4

9 Intervals                                                                                                                   8

10 Suspension                                                                                                              6

11 Literal translation                                                                                                     4

12 Language exchange                                                                                                4

13 Imagination                                                                                                            5

14 Politeness                                                                                                              4

15 Paraphrase                                                                                                              4

16 Asking for help                                                                                                         4

Rujukan: Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2019). Kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi Teori dan aplikasi. Terengganu: Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. 

Kehadiran Minggu 5


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